Professor Debra Salazar


Professor Debra Salazar stands in front of a tree

My work in the university is motivated by my obsessions with democracy, justice, and place. My teaching is focused in the areas of American Government and social movements, especially environmental and queer movements. My current writing examines environmental inequality in the contexts of air pollution, gentrification, and agricultural pesticides and state policies related to environmental injustice. I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to do this work in this time and place.


Selected publications

Salazar, D.J., S. Clauson, T.D. Abel, A. Clauson. 2019. Race, Income, and Environmental Inequality in the U.S. States, 1990-2014. Social Science Quarterly 100(3):592-603

Abel, T.D., D.J. Salazar, and P. Robert. 2015. States of Environmental Justice: Redistributive Politics across the United States, 1993-2004. Review of Policy Research 32(2):200-225.

Salazar, D. 2015. From Orchards to Cubicles: Work and Space in the Silicon Valley. In Christina Robertson and Jennifer Westerman, Working on Earth: Class and Environmental Justice. Reno: University of Nevada Press.

Salazar, D. 2014. The Crane Pays the Bills. Storyscape Literary Journal. Issue 13.

Salazar, D.J. and D.K. Alper. 2011. Justice and Environmentalisms in the British Columbia and Pacific Northwest Environmental Movements. Society and Natural Resources 24(8):767-784.

Salazar, D.J. 2009. Saving Nature and Seeking Justice: Environmental Activists in the Pacific Northwest. Organization & Environment 22(2):230-254.

Salazar, D. 2009. Recycling. The Other Journal 14(April 3).

Salazar, D. 2003. Brown Hordes and Green Fears. Witness XVII(2):144-155.

Salazar, D.J. and D.K. Alper. 2002. Reconciling Environmentalism and the Left: Perspectives on Democracy and Social Justice in British Columbia's Environmental Movement. Canadian Journal of Political Science 35(3):527-566.

Salazar, D.J. and J.J. Hewitt. 2001. Think Globally, Secure the Borders: The Oregon Environmental Movement and the Population/Immigration Debate. Organization & Environment 14(3):290-310.

Salazar, D.J. 2001. Gentrifying Ecotopia: A Brown Girl Looks at Home, Landscape, and Power. Starker Lecture Series: Visions of Natural Resources: Peeking into the Neighbor's Yard. College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. pp. 18-35.

Salazar, D.J. and D.K. Alper (editors). 2000. Sustaining the Forests of the Pacific Coast: Forging Truces in the War in the Woods. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Salazar, D.J. and D.K. Alper. 1999. Beyond the Politics of Left and Right: Environmental Activists in British Columbia. BC Studies 121(Spring):5-34.

Salazar, D.J. 1996. Environmental Justice and a People’s Forestry. Journal of Forestry 94(11):32-36.


Race Income and Environmental Inequality Appendix

Clauson, A., D.J. Salazar, and T.D. Abel. 2018. Environmental Inequality Dataset.


  Office Hours

Arntzen Hall 401

Tuesday 12-1

Wednesday 2-4

And by appointment

Professor Debra Salazar with her dog